Tea time, with scones, clotted cream and jam
First of all, it’s clotted, not whipped. Secondly, it’s a rich and creamy dairy product that most people associate with England, but is now available widely around the world. Thirdly, it’s a luxury item that is usually spread on scones, desserts and fresh fruit, especially at afternoon tea taken in the English tradition.
Clotted cream is made by pouring fresh milk into a pan and then letting it sit for several hours, allowing the cream to rise to the top. Then it’s simmered over low heat until clots form on the surface, trapping the cream inside. The clots are then skimmed off to make clotted cream. The signature golden hue comes from the butterfat content in the whole milk.
Some sources claim clotted cream first originated as early as 16th century England, while others indicate the 19th century. In any case, it seems clear that it arose as a method for preserving excess milk supplies, at least for a few extra days. Since that time, the process for making it has barely changed. Continue reading