“Who Else Wants This FREE
Insider’s Guide
That Reveals Everything You Need
To Know About Afternoon Tea?”
Dear Friend,
There’s an amazing new guide that will tell you all about Afternoon Tea.
Well, I’m almost done with it and I want to make sure I don’t leave anything out. And that’s where I need your help.
I want to hear what you really want to know right now about Afternoon Tea!
Here’s the deal:
if you give me a few moments of your time and input, I’ll gratefully give you a FREE copy of the completed Afternoon Tea guide as soon as it’s done!
Yes, you read it right.
I’ll give you a FREE copy, no strings attached. It’s my way of saying, ‘Thanks’ for contributing (the guide will be delivered to you in an electronic format, so please make sure I have your correct email address).
I’ll bet you’ve never seen this material anywhere before. All I need to know is: what do you want to know most about Afternoon Tea? It could be anything at all… even if you think it’s silly.
Just answer the survey questions below (most of them are simple and easy multiple choice) and type your most important questions in the little boxes below… ask me whatever question will help you the most and I’ll make sure to include it in my guide.
By the way, this free guide is only for the first 100 people who respond… so please answer all the questions right now and then click on the “Done!” button. And as soon as the guide is finished I will send your Free Copy!
Thanks so very much for your input, I really appreciate it!
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.